Monday, December 28, 2020


Krittika Nakshatra is source of energy and power.


Blog - With God of fire or 'agni', being its ruling deity, 




Maathar / War Photos / Angels


Blood of Andhakasura

Matsya Puran

Armed heavily with ‘Tapobala’ (power of extreme meditation), Andhakaasura desired to abduct Devi Parvati and Mahadeva fought with him in the frightful ‘Mahakalavana’ near Avantika.

As the Demon was not coming under control even after a long drawn battle, Rudra Deva had to finally utilise the most powerful Shakti called ‘Pashupati Astra’.As blood flowed in streams from the Daitya’s body, each drop of blood produced an ‘Andhakasura’ and to lick up the drops of blood, Maha Deva had to create innumerable ‘Matrikas’such as Mahewari, Braahmi, Kaumari, Malini, Sowparni, Vyayavya, Shaakri, Nairruti, Shouri, Sowmya, Shiva, Duuti, Chamunda, Varuni, Vaarahi, Naarasimhi and so on.

All the Marikaas accomplished the deed of lickng the blood drops and enjoyed the same. But the progeny of the Matrikas also gave birth to Andhakasuras with a ‘shula’ and a ‘mudgara’and kept on pestering Shiva. Mahedeva approached Vishnu for help and the latter created ‘Sushka Revati’ who dried up the blood of all the Andhakas. It was then easy for Shiva to target the Daitya’s head and the destoyed. Andhakasura eulogized Parama Shiva who was pleased and bestowed ‘Ganeshatwa’ or the Title of ‘Ganas’.

But the innumerable ‘Matrikas’ who were created by Shiva threatened him saying that they would gradually eat up humanity; Shiva warned the Matrikas that they were only to perform virtuous deeds but not kill human beings; nonetheless, these Matrikas defied the instructions and were let loose eating up men, women and children. Shiva meditated Nrisimha Deva who appeared and destroyed all the vicious Matrikas. Shiva displayed his gratitude to Nrisimha Deva and prayed to him as follows:

Namastestu Janannatha Narasimhavapurdharah,
Daitya naathasrujaa purna nakha shakti viraajita/
Tatah Sakalasamlagna Hemapingala Vigrah,
Natosmi Padmanaabha twaam Surashakrajagadguro/
Kalpaantaambhoda nirghosha Suyakoti samaprabha,
Sahasrayamasamkrodha Sahasrendra paraakrama/
Sahasradhanadaspheeta Sahasra varunaatmaka,
Sahasra kaala rachita Sahasra niyatendriya/
Sasrabhumahaadhairya Sahasraananta murtiman,
Sasra chandra pratima Sahasra graha vikrama/
Sahasra Rudra tejaska Sahasra Brahma Samstuta/
Sahasra baahuvegogra Sahasraasya nireekshana/
Sahasrayantra mathana Sahasra vadhamochana/

(Jagannadha! You had assumed the Form of Nrisimha and with the sharpness and might of your nails had torn apart Hiranyakashipu and tasted his blood, my reverences to you; Padmanabha!You are all pervading, your physique is of molten gold colour and you are the mentor of Devaraj Indra, my sincere greetings to you; Your lion’s-growl is like the continuous reverberation of black clouds at the Pralaya Time, your splendour is like that of crores of Suns, your rage is like that of thousands of Yamas, your valour is like that of thousands of Indras, your opulence is like that of thousands of Kuberas, your profusion is comparable to that of thousands of Varunas, abundance of your fortitude is comparable to that of thousands of Prithvi, your unique courage was amply scripted of the thousands of ‘Kaalas’ or times rolled by, your poise and coolness of attitude is comparable to thousands of Chandramas, your energy is thousand times more forceful than those of Navagrahas, your radiance is comparable to thousands of Rudras, thousands of Brahamas are ready to commend you, you are of thousands of hands, faces and eyes; your swiftness and momentum is of the highest order, your Shakti is such that it could devastate thousands of ‘yantras’/ machines in one go; and your competence is such that you could make or mar thousands of persons at a time.) Having said this, Bhagavan! I created countless ‘Matrikas’to demolish Andhakasura, but these Shaktis are not obeying me; how could I knock down them all! That was how Shiva conluded his appeal to Nrisimha.

Then Srihari-the Incarnation of Nrisimha- segregated
  1. Vageeswari from the tongue, 
  2. Maya from the hridaya / heart, 
  3. Bhavamalini from the Guhya Pradesha and 
  4. Kalika from the extraordinarly strong bones of Sushkarevati and
Created a fresh thirty two Matrikas from his own body and these new Matrikas are:
  1. Ghantaakarni, Trailokyamohini, Punyamayi Sarvasattva- vashamkari, Chakra hridaya, Panchavi Vyomacharini, Shankhini, Lekhini and Kaala samkarshini who are the deputies of Vageeswari. 
  2. The deputies of Maya are Sankarshini, Ashraddha, Beejabhaava, Aparaajita, Kalyani, Madhudamshtri, Kamala, and Utpalahastika. 
  3. The deputies of Bhavamalini are Ajita, Sukshma -hridaya, Vruddha, Vesharama darshini, Nrisimha bhairava, Bilwa, Garudmad -hridaya, and Jaya. 
  4. The deputies of Kalika/ Sushkarevati are: Aakarshini, Sambhata, Uttaramalika, Jwaalaamukhi, Bheeshanika, Kamadhenu, Baalika and Padmakara.
Each one of these Matrikas is of extraordinary Shakti and capacity to destroy the Trilokas! Nrisimha Deva instructed the Matrikas that just as human beings and animals / birds etc. bring up their progeny, they should also safeguard them and ensure no untoward incident should occur to them; the Matrikas should hold Rudra in their high esteem and he would too bestow them powers to be utilised for the welfare of every being; when human beings perform puja to them they too respond to their wishes for fulfllment.

Source Matsya Purana


States that these Mother-Goddesses are eight in number and includes among them the goddess Yogeswari mentioned above , although all other Puranas and Agamas mention them to be seven. The Varahapurana further says that these Matrikas represent eight mental qualities which are morally bad; accordingly Yogeswari represents Kama or desire; Maheswari-Krodha or Anger;Vaishnavi-Lobha or courteousness;Brahmani-Mada or pride; Kaumari- moha or Illusion; Indrani-Matsarya or fult-finding; Yami or chamunda, Paisunya that is tale bearing; and Varahi,Asuya or envy.

  The seven Matrikas caught all drops of blood as they fell in the battle between Siva and Andhakasura,and thus stopped the further multiplication of secondary Andhakasuras. In this struggle, Andhakasura finally lost his power known as Asura-maya and was defeated by Siva.  Nevertheless through Siva’s grace he gained a good end.

According to the Varaha-Purana the account given of Andhakasura and the Matrikas is an allegory; it represents Atma-Vidya or spiritual wisdom as warring against ‘Andhakara’ the darkness of ignorance:’Etate-te Sarvam-akyatamatma-vidyamritam. The spirit of vidya, represented by Siva, fights with Andhakasura, the darkness of Avidya. The more this is attempted to be attacked by Vidya,the more does it tend to increase for a time; this fact is represented by the multiplication of the figures of Andhakasura. Unless the eight evil qualities,kama,krodha etc. are completely brought under the control of Vidya and kept under restraint,it can never succeed in putting down Andhakara.

Source  Varaha-Purana 


  The Kurma-purana continues further the story of the Matrikas. After the chastisement of the Asura Andhaka,Siva commanded Bhairava and the Matrikas to retire to the patala-loka,the abode of the Tamasic and destructive Vishnu Nrisimha. They accordingly did so; but very soon Bhairava,being only an Amsa or part of Siva became m erged in Siva and the Matrikas were left alone without any means of subsistence. They began to destroy everything in the universe for the purpose of feeding themselves. Bhairava then prayed to Nrisimha to abstract from the Matrikas their destructive nature and it was thereupon withdrawn from them.

Source Kurma-purana

Devi Puran mentions vinayaki along with Mahalakshmi and Yogeshwari (MahaBhairavi / Bhadrakali)
as nine matrikas

Genesis of Muruga to bring an end to the demonic rule. Shiva envisages Muruga from his third eye from Six balls of Fire. He gets raised by six Kritika Maiden, who later become Krithika star constellation Pleiades on the recommendation of Muruga to Shiva, for their care and nursing.


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